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Gantom DarkBox DMX Multi-Functional LED Dimmer


The DarkBox DMX Micro is an ultra compact and scalable single output DMX tunable LED dimmer. The DMX Micro also has a variety of built-in patterns (blink, strobe, candle flicker, power surge flicker, and pulse) for special effects lighting without the need to program complex DMX signals. This device occupies 3 DMX channels, which controls brightness, speed, and mode, respectively.


  • Input: 12V
  • Power Rating: Up to 1A load
  • Output: 12V PWM output, up to 1A load
  • Dimming: PWM
  • Dimensions: 38mm x 38mm x 19mm
  • Connector Type    
  • Power: 2.1mm ID / 5.5mm OD DC jack with screw terminal adapter
  • Signal: 3.5mm TRS jack with screw terminal adapter
  • IP Rating: IP20Makes any dimmable 12V LED flicker, strobe, blink, surge, pulsate, or dim
  • Fully tunable speed and brightness for any mode
  • Standalone operation with DMX signal is possible if tuned and programmed with DarkBox Programmer
  • Previous setting is retained even when power is cut
  • LED indicator displays output mode even without external LEDs attached
  • Never repeating algorithm for unique and realistic flicker patterns
  • Can drive multiple fixtures in sync


Important: The DarkBox DMX Micro comes factory set to DMX address 1. Due to the compactness of the device, an external DarkBox Programmer is required (sold separately) for address selection beyond the default. When the device powers up, a sequence of pulses on the 100s, 10s, and 1s LEDs will indicate the programmed DMX address. For example, an address of 512 will pulse the 100s LED 5 times, 10s LED 1 time, and 1s LED twice. Power and signal are delivered using standard 2.1mm DC jacks and 3.5mm mini-jacks, respectively. Multiple devices can be chained together for unlimited expandability to match the user’s needs.

DMX signal via mini-jack: Darklight DMX controlled products use 3.5mm mini-jacks (stereo audio tip-ring-sleeve) due to the compactness of their size. While standard DMX applications call for XLR plugs and cables, we design our devices using mini-jacks to allow for miniaturization. Users have the choice of splicing the signal cable to convert from XLR to mini-jack or to simply use off-the-shelf male to male stereo audio extension cables to carry signal. Experimentally, we’ve tested over 50 of our DMX devices daisy chained together over 300 meters without signal degradation using audio cable.

